Wednesday, June 1, 2022

What is the difference between septic tanks and holding tanks?

Do you want to add a wastewater tank to your residential property? If yes, you need to make a careful choice. If you check online, you will come across lots of information. However, there are chances that you might get confused and make the wrong choice. There are mainly two options available as far as wastewater tanks are concerned septic tanks and holding tanks. Both these tanks offer you the facility to store wastewater. However, there are some differences between the two before deciding which kind of tank to buy. It is always good to ask professional tank providers like Mike Clark Bethany to guide you well before installing a wastewater tank.

holding tanks

Septic tanks

The ain purpose of the septic tank is to store wastewater through a source, treat it, and then leach it into the ground through a field or mounds. Septic tank Bethany comprises two chambers. Among these one chamber allows for separating sewage and another chamber works as the pumping chamber. It is where the effluent is leached out in a mound or a field, wherein bacteria will break down. If you are planning to have a septic tank for your property, you must select the right size. The size you choose must not be based on the number of people, rather it must be based on the number of bedrooms in your house. Make sure you select the septic tank that is sufficient for your entire household.

Holding tanks

A holding tank is different as compared to that of the septic tank. The holding tank does not leach out into the ground. The tank comprises only one compartment. This single compartment can store only a restricted amount of sewage. Removing the sewage will be done through a vacuum truck. After this, it will be sent to the municipal treatment system. Hence, it can be said that holding tanks does not process sewage. Due to this, frequent services will be required when compared to that of the septic tank Bethany.

Septic tank Bethany is normally highly preferred among both these options. It is because septic tanks have needless pump-outs and maintenance. But, before making the final decision, it is important to take into account the location, soil conditions, and other such zoning mandates to make sure if a septic tank is suitable for your property or not. A holding tank might require a lot of regular maintenance as compared to a septic tank. However, periodic and regular pumping out is needed for avoiding potential costly repairs to a septic tank.

If you are still confused about whether you should choose a septic tank or holding tank, seeking guidance and advice from the experts can be a good idea. Mike Clark Excavating & Septic Pumping is the expert company that can guide you well as to what can be the right option for property wastewater needs. The company has tremendous experience when it comes to the waste disposal field, and so can offer the best guidance and assistance. Make sure you get in touch with them as soon as possible and get the best tank installed.

You can also find us on Brownbook, Bbb, and Google.

Monday, February 21, 2022

What are septic tank additives and is it good for your tank?

If you have moved into a new house and found that the house has a septic tank. In such a case, you will research a lot on septic tank and septic tank service Bethany. While researching, you might surely have come across the word septic tank additives. Some people say these are beneficial, while on the other hand, some people believe that these are harmful. You must know what these additives are and what the role of it.

Septic tank additives

The main purpose of the septic tank is to keep the solids and grease things away from clogging the drain field. However, there are some things that cannot be broken through bacteria. These things will settle at the base of the tank. To keep your septic tank Bethany in the best condition, it is recommended to get it to pump through professionals every four to five years. Some people are replacing the pumping with septic tank additives. Usually, these additives are used to clean the blockage in the drain. There are various kinds of additives available online as well as offline. These additives are able to break the inorganic and solid materials.

Different kinds of additives

There are numerous kinds of additives available these days. These additives are segregated into main categories that are chemical and biological additives.

Chemical additives

Chemical additives comprise hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and sulphuric acid. These additives are utilized for cleaning the clogs of the soil absorption system. It helps the soil to work at the maximum capacity. But, some chemical additives destroy the structure of the system and lessen the efficiency of soil. Hence, when such additives are used for septic tank Bethany, they can corrode the structure of the system. Hence, be careful with such kinds of additives.

Biological additives

Biological additives comprise yeast, bacteria, and enzymes. These are mainly organic or inorganic elements. Such additives are considered a good choice for septic tank Bethany as they are able to lessen the amount of oil, effluent solids, and grease in the tank. The only drawback of these additives is at times when you use them, solids go through the tank in the drain field, which leads to clogging.

Both of these additives have their own advantages and disadvantages. Hence, make a thoughtful choice before considering using these additives for your septic tank.

Being the homeowner, you must be familiar with how to maintain your home appliances and systems in top condition. Also, you need to be familiar with the signs that denote there is something wrong with the system. If you identify these signs, you can immediately get the repairs and replacements done. It helps you to avoid expensive damages. Regular inspection and maintenance are crucial to keeping the septic tank Bethany in the good condition. If you are looking forward to scheduling regular appointments for the same, get in touch with Mike Clark Excavating & Septic Pumping. They are a reliable and professional company to get pumping done for your septic tank.

For more information about septic tanks, do follow us on Google, Facebook and Yellowpages.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How Does Your Septic System Work?

There are some people who do not have to worry about septic systems at all. There are also some who may not know how their septic systems work. They will only realize that something is wrong when the septic tank is already beginning to smell. They may also realize that their drainage system is not working as well as it should. If you do not have a septic system yet, you may want to consider contacting MC septic tank installation Bethany.

Your wastewater is going to leave through a pipe that will be connected to your septic system. You can just imagine what will happen if you do not have the septic system. Where will the water go? The water will go back to your drainage. For septic tanks, the solids will go to the bottom of your septic tank. Slum will go to the upper portion of the septic tank.

What is the Septic System?

The septic system will need to rely on bacteria so that it can clean and digest wastewater. The bacteria will also eat the solid particles so that you can have cleaner water that will be directed towards the main water system.

If you are just going to rely on raw housewater, expect that your drainage system will clog easily. Through the septic system, you know that floatable solids will allow the bacteria to decompose the solid. The septic system will also provide storage for sludge and also scum from the things that you flush down your toilet and your other drains at home.

Where Should You Install Your Septic System?

The septic tank should be placed somewhere that will not contaminate any freshwater system. You can coordinate with a septic tank company Bethany about this. They will let you know what are the rules regarding your area. At the same time, they will provide you with some input regarding what the size of your septic tank should be. They may even give you some tips on how you can properly maintain your septic system.

How to Avoid Septic Tank Issues and Some Tips

The first thing that you have to remember is to know where your septic tank is. Once you already know that, these are some of the things that you have to remember:
  • Do not dig around the septic system or build anything.
  • Do not cover the septic system with concrete.
  • It will not be ideal to place any plant or tree near the septic tank system. The roots may start to penetrate the septic system and it will be problematic.
  • You have to make sure that you will not throw anything in your drainage system that will not fit the septic tank. For example, throwing cooking oil on the septic system will become a problem.
  • You should also avoid from throwing any toxic chemicals because you are going to hurt your pipes that way. The more leaks that your drainage system will have, the more problematic it will be.
Another important tip to remember is to always contact a company that can clean a septic tank Bethany properly. The more that you are able to maintain the septic tank, the better that it will work.

For more information about septic tank companies, do follow us on Google, Ourbis and Bbb.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Ways To Protect The Septic System By Conserving Water

Many people have started conserving water as it’s the biggest necessity that people are facing today. By using less water, people using septic tanks can benefit and maintain the condition of their septic systems. People use a septic system to dispose of their waste and should decrease their water consumption to extend the lifespan of their septic tanks. Small changes in their water habits could make a new difference. Mike Clark septic tank company Bethany provides excellent cleaning services of septic tanks. They install septic tanks and conduct inspections and repairs.

Protecting Bethany septic tanks by conserving water

There are certain ways in which people could conserve water and limit their water waste. Water has become very precious and many people are unable to receive water even for drinking purposes. Hence people should consider few ways to save water, which will protect their septic systems too.

1. Reduce the time spent in the shower

Taking a hot shower will relax the body from stress and feel refreshing. But this might harm the condition of the septic tank. People should shower for around five to ten minutes to reduce the excess amount of water consumption and drop it to around fifteen gallons every shower.

2. Installing fixtures that allow low-flow

People should find simple and easy plumbing solutions that allow water to flow slowly. People should install low-flow showerheads, toilets and faucets while installing Bethany septic tanks as this allows less water consumption. Using the latest washing machine and dishwasher will help people consume less water and even lower their electricity bills.

3. Pay attention to the washing machine & dishwasher

It's wise to reduce the consumption of water while using any appliance. They could either wash things in a full batch or make minor adjustments according to the load of the clothes or vessels. People should consider washing in batches, rather than spending time and washing things every day. This helps the septic tank work efficiently and helps the grease and solids separate well.

4. Checks for any leakage or plumbing leaks

Running water from the toilet or water dripping from the tap will seem small, but it could waste a lot of water and increase the load on Bethany septic tanks. To protect it from additional pressure, the leakage taps should be replaced. People should check their water meter when leakages are hidden.

5. Decrease water consumption outdoors

People shouldn’t make the outdoors very moist and disturb the water treatment. Though this water doesn’t go into the septic system, people could take precautions by planting trees that require less water. People could choose different nozzle sprays for their garden to control water.

Mick Clark Excavating & Septic Pumping provides high-quality service to their clients. They have been in this business for many years and provide services related to Bethany septic tanks. They provide installation and maintenance of septic systems at affordable rates. They are recognized as the top 3 septic tank services. People can contact them for a free estimation of their services.

For more information about septic tank companies, do follow us on Google, Canpages and Phonepages.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Things To Avoid For The Healthy Maintenance Of A Septic System

The health of your septic system is important. People aren’t much aware of the things that could damage the septic system. Bethany septic tanks help in the separation of waste, such as solids, effluent, and scum. The solid waste settles at the bottom of the tank, while the effluent waste travels through the drainage system. Hence people should be aware of the things that need to be poured down the drain, to maintain the tank from getting damaged. People need to be guided by MC Septics tank company Bethany regarding the things that are not supposed to be flushed in the septic tanks.

Coffee beans and other food items

Flushing solid items such as the remains of the coffee beans could hurt the health of Bethany septic tanks. The solid items will damage the inner parts of the septic tank. Food items that are super solid just like the coffee beans are not supposed to go into the septic tank. 

The scum layers formed due to grease and cooking oils

Scum is the uppermost layer that floats in a septic tank. If oily food items are flushed in the septic tank, the overall health of the Bethany septic tanks will be disturbed. Things that contain grease should stay away from the septic tank.

Things made out of plastic and paper

Plastic should never be flushed into the septic tanks, as it will cause trouble. Paper towels and facial tissues shouldn’t be disposed of through the septic tank as it's unhealthy. Tampons and sanitary napkins should be avoided no matter what. These things are not only unhygienic waste but flushing it down the drain will cause major issues over time.

Household cleaners 

People use cleaners to disinfect their homes and maintain their houses. Bleach and disinfectants should be used in moderation. While using cleaners for your drains and toilet bowl, make sure not to overuse them, as they might kill the bacteria and enzymes that help in maintaining the health of Bethany septic tanks.

Toxic waste and household chemicals that are hazardous

Always be alert to the things that are going into the septic tank. It might be dangerous if toxic waste is allowed to seep into the tanks. Negligence towards pouring household chemicals into the tank will be harmful, as the chemicals could react with other components that are present inside the septic tanks.

Paints and other harmful materials

Pouring varnish will destroy the bacteria that are helpful in the process and will make the condition inside the septic tank worst. Paint thinners and anti-freeze if poured inside the septic tank will destroy the biological digestion that occurs inside the septic tank as these items are very harmful.

People are advised to use Envirozyme that helps in repairing the bacterial enzymes. It will boost and enhance the health of your septic system. You can contact Mike Clark Excavating & Septic Pumping for a free estimation. They provide people with great quality service at affordable rates. For more information about septic tank companies, do follow us on Foursquare, Find-us-here, and CTIDirectory.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Things to Know About Septic Tank Systems

Plastic septic tanks are the basis for the treatment of household wastewater. In them, waste is
deposited, oils, fats are separated and the beginning of anaerobic decomposition of organic
waste. They are made by the technology of spiral winding of high-density polyethylene.
Plastic septic tanks are effectively used for the disposal of fecal wastewater in public
(schools, hospitals, etc.) and private facilities (households, in urban and rural areas). They can
be used for wastewater collection and treatment. You can always upgrade this system by
adding a disinfectant or aerobic system. Mike Clark Excavating & Septic Pumping is the
best one in the area.


There are more and more inquiries from people about septic tanks recently. According to the
current legal regulations, septic tanks are no longer allowed for installation because the
treatment of wastewater still results in very high levels of pollution during discharge into the

It is a flow pit made of waterproof material from which purified water is poured into nature.
Also, this pit requires a small burial depth, which favors those facilities that are located on
hard terrain. Purification of the three-chamber septic tank is performed by triple mechanical
and gravitational separation and biodegradation with the help of anaerobic bacteria, which
themselves develop naturally in the pit with fecal waste and water.

This pit is intended for all wastewater, i.e., fecal black and gray sanitary water, but it is not
intended for roof and other rainwater. The three-chamber septic tank is dimensioned
according to the maximum number of users in the facility and the frequency of use. This
septic tank should be positioned so that it is accessible to the discharge tank, and it is
recommended that the absorption well and the septic tank are not installed in the same

The maintenance of the septic tank comes down to periodically checking the level of
activated sludge that settles to the bottom of the vessel, which can be raised towards the top
of the vessel over time. If the sludge is still raised to the highest level, it is necessary to call

the utility company to carry out the emptying of the pit. Instead of septic tanks, the use of
watertight collection pits or as they are also called watertight septic tanks is allowed.

Watertight collection pits are used in places where no public sewerage system has been built,
and where the use of biological wastewater treatment plants is not possible. As they are
waterproof, all contaminants remain in them. As the capacity of collection pits increases,
their economy decreases, and it is better for more users to use biological devices for
wastewater treatment.

You can get a lot of benefits from septic tanks if installed properly.
If you are interested in learning more about us and this system make sure to get our contact
information from Google and CanPages.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Guidelines to enhance the life of Bethany septic tanks!

The septic systems that are well taken care of can last around fifty years or more. Right maintenance can assist in extending the life of the system and save the costly bills of repairs or replacements. But, the fact is most of the homeowners do not take care of these systems properly, as they are not aware of the right techniques of maintenance. Are you one of them? Do not worry! You can find lots of guidelines suggested by the septic tank services Bethany online. To help you with this, here are some of the guidelines to enhance the life of your septic system:

Be aware of the specifics of your system

To properly take care of the septic system, you must know the specifics of it. The foremost thing you need to know is where your tank and drain field are situated so that maintenance and monitoring become simple. Also, you need to know its capacity. You need to be aware of when the tank was pumped last.

Learn about the legal information

You must know about the original plan that was applied during the septic tank installation. You need to know about its permits and records of maintenance. Knowing about these will provide you with insight into your system and correct maintenance tactics that you can use.

Do not drive upon the tank

You need to be careful that you do not drive your car over the tank. Even if the tank is buried, it will still be close to the surface. Hence, it can lead to cracks and splits of the tank.

Meet the pumping schedule

Septic systems require regular pumping. Pumping needs to be done between three to five years. The frequency of pumping is based on several factors such as use, age of the system, size of the tank, etc. You can get in touch with a good septic tank company to know about the pumping needs of your tank. They can prove you with the right schedule and get the pumping done. With regular pumping, you can avoid damage to the system and gain the highest functionality.

Do not deposit chemical

You need to be careful about the chemicals being deposited into the tank. Some of the chemical deposits that you need to avoid are degreasers, gasoline, and antifreeze. These kinds of the harsh chemical can harm the interiors of the septic tanks and lead to premature wear and tear.

Carry out annual inspections

Getting your septic tank professionally inspected in a timely manner can help in being in the best working condition. In case your system is old; this kind of inspection can assist you to know about the problem beforehand. When the issue is small, it requires less time to be treated and the expense is also less. A professional inspection is the best way to know about the problem early and make sure the system is in the best working condition.

These are some of the guidelines that you need to keep in mind for maintaining your septic system in the best possible manner. If you require assistance from a professional Bethany septic tanks company, you can visit websites like Google Maps, Four Square, and Find Us Here. It is where you will get through some of the experienced and reliable companies.